Marketing confort : Agence Marketing Digital et Devellopement web

6 key steps for a great business website

cropped view of woman holding website design template and felt-tip pen near laptop, smartphone,

The era of internet is transforming the whole world. Our lives have been changed, the way we communicate, the way we spend our free time, the way we receive and share information, and especially the way we look for products and services.

Therefore, website development is essential for every company in order to succeed and boost it business. In this digital word, not having a website means missing many opportunities to gain traffic that will definitely be converted to future clients.


Website development is considered as an efficient tool to advertise for your business, to sell your products and services, to engage your consumers and to build credibility. With all the competition existing online, it is not enough to just build a website. But it is important to make it easy for reaching by prospects.

As a beginning the company should choose precisely it website developer, who can be able to not only fulfill the company’s objective but also the users needs and expectations. Referring to a website development agency can be the key to ensure an efficient building and a continuous consulting and support.

There are key steps that each website requires in order to exist and be visible on search engines.

After choosing the website developer, it’s time to start!

1-Choose a relevant domain name :

The website domain or address represents the ID card of your business; it is the tool that helps consumer recognizes your website. The domain name should be available, easy to spell, memorable, short as possible, broad to not limit the business extension of activities.  Finally it is important to create an SEO-friendly URL that includes keywords.

2-Choose good platforms :

It is essential to implement a good software program to create and manage efficiently your digital content. A good CMS is important to maintain the website, and you don’t need much technical knowledge to use it like WordPress the world’s most popular CMS. For ecommerce it is essential to choose a relevant ecommerce platform like WooCommerce: that can turn your WordPress site into an online store.

3- Define an efficient description :

In order to build credibility it is so essential  let people by acceding to your site, know about your company, and your identity, it is important to define who you are and what you do right away, this is important in order to remove confusing, and doubts. It is important to add a heading about the company it values, mission, vision, identity, activities, and portfolio.

4- Create an optimized website design:

Website design should definitely be taking into consideration the target audience and try to meet their needs; the main purpose is to help users get done what they’ve come to do by getting into your site efficiently and effectively and optimizing their experience.  Design an intuitive navigation system and a rewarding site experience, which allows users to get to the pages they need quickly. That will engage users to return to the site.

5- Create a quality content:

Companies must develop interactive content , whose aim is to ensure commitment and loyalty of their customer. Content is important to search engines, so it’s important to plan your content publishing, and choose relevant strategies like blog articles posts on your site and on external sites that link to your site and update this content frequently. The content should amuse, be relevant, interactive and not static.

6-Audit performance:

It is essential to always audit your website performance to test if the website is the SEO standards. They allow you to identify and resolve the key issues that impact your search rankings. Practicing also the Site mobile responsive testing, easy navigation tests speed testing. The site can be audited by using SEO audit tool like Semrush, the powerful SEO audit software that provides everything you need to analyze key SEO factors.

Do not hesitate to Contact Marketing Confort today to allow you to set up these steps and ensure the success of your website developement.


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